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K. M. Wade Learning Centre

Reach your ideal customers and increase revenue

Learn SEO

SEO training to help you win more website traffic and increase your profits

Our SEO course teaches essential digital marketing skills that’ll save you $$$ each month on agency fees

Start your SEO journey now

K. M. Wade helps you improve your search results as illustrated by an image of search engine icons with an arrow to a graph with increasing data points
Woman holding giant magnifying glass over a web page

Learn SEO with our small business SEO course even if you’re a complete SEO beginner

So, you offer awesome products and services, but you’re not selling as much as you should be, partly because not that many people visit your website. Your SEO could be the problem.

The thing is, you can’t afford to spend $500-2000+ every month on an agency’s SEO services.

The K. M. Wade Learning Centre could teach you how to improve your website’s SEO, reach more of your ideal customers online and increase your revenue.

Search engine optimisation to upgrade your digital marketing

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is partly about ensuring search engines can find and understand the value of your digital content, so they’re more likely to show it to your ideal customers when they’re looking for solutions to their problems. So, search engine optimisation is crucial for successful content marketing and digital marketing more broadly. After all, if your ideal customers don’t know about you and never see you when they’re looking for help online, how will you connect with them, so they can buy solutions from you?

This is why SEO takes digital marketing to the next level.

But we know such a huge topic can be a minefield. And most of the resources out there are either contradictory, inaccurate, or too expensive. That’s why we put together our affordable SEO training. So you can achieve SEO success as quickly as possible.

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Search engine optimisation to upgrade your digital marketing

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is partly about ensuring search engines can find and understand the value of your digital content, so they’re more likely to show it to your ideal customers when they’re looking for solutions to their problems. So, search engine optimisation is crucial for successful content marketing and digital marketing more broadly. After all, if your ideal customers don’t know about you and never see you when they’re looking for help online, how will you connect with them, so they can buy solutions from you?

This is why SEO takes digital marketing to the next level.

But we know such a huge topic can be a minefield. And most of the resources out there are either contradictory, inaccurate, or too expensive. That’s why we put together our affordable SEO training. So you can achieve SEO success as quickly as possible.

Man looking at his phone with a space background illustrating being lost online
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SEO basics, so you’re no longer ‘lost in space’ when it comes to digital marketing

When you learn SEO through the K. M. Wade Learning Centre, we’ll gently guide you through all the SEO basics sequentially, so you never feel lost. Our online training covers everything you need to know to attract more organic traffic (website visitors who didn’t come from paid ads), including:

  • Key terms like SERP and search engine result or search result
  • SEO audit techniques
  • Affordable SEO tool recommendations and instructions (including for Google Search Console and other vital tools)
  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-site or off-page SEO
  • Meta tag techniques (i.e. for the title tag and meta description)
  • Keyword research
  • Link building or backlink strategies
  • Anchor text
  • SEO strategy
  • Local SEO
  • SEO tips
  • And more

We teach more advanced SEO too, like structured data or schema markup. And we’ll show you how social media ties in with search engine optimisation. Best of all, our strategies will continue to work for years, no matter how Google’s algorithm changes.

Man looking at his phone with a space background illustrating being lost online

SEO basics, so you’re no longer ‘lost in space’ when it comes to digital marketing

When you learn SEO through the K. M. Wade Learning Centre, we’ll gently guide you through all the SEO basics sequentially, so you never feel lost. Our online training covers everything you need to know to attract more organic traffic (website visitors who didn’t come from paid ads), including:

  • Key terms like SERP and search engine result or search result
  • SEO audit techniques
  • Affordable SEO tool recommendations and instructions (including for Google Search Console and other vital tools)
  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-site or off-page SEO
  • Meta tag techniques (i.e. for the title tag and meta description)
  • Keyword research
  • Link building or backlink strategies
  • Anchor text
  • SEO strategy
  • Local SEO
  • SEO tips
  • And more

We teach more advanced SEO too, like structured data or schema markup. And we’ll show you how social media ties in with search engine optimisation. Best of all, our strategies will continue to work for years, no matter how Google’s algorithm changes.

Accurate and actionable online education from an SEO professional

The SEO industry is full of charlatans and overnight ‘experts’. But your SEO guide when you enrol in our course is a verified SEO expert with the SEO knowledge to ‘walk the walk’. Kelly, our SEO specialist, is the top SEO copywriter in Canberra, the capital of Australia. (Google ‘SEO copywriter Canberra’ and you’ll see K. M. Wade right at the top of the non-paid search listings). And instead of a toppling pile of blog posts or a few egotistical videos, you’ll get text- and video-based lessons interspersed with hands-on activities, quizzes, workshops and assignments.

Woman with a professional certification
Video tutorials cartoon

The K. M. Wade difference

Unlike free courses and many paid courses, which hand you a bunch of lessons and send you on your way, every one of our modules (even the free ones) include priceless individual feedback to ensure you truly grasp all the fundamentals of search engine optimisation. And unlike many paid courses, you can ask your tutor questions directly at any time to ensure you get advice tailored to your situation. You won’t have to compete with other students for attention during online calls.

With us, you don’t get a series of jargon-filled lessons. You get a detailed and integrated SEO tutorial, and it’s like you have a teacher or mentor right there in the room with you.

Good to know

Our SEO course includes:

  • Detailed lessons that teach crucial SEO theory

    So you truly understand what you’re doing and why

  • In-depth activities that develop critical SEO skills

    So you can actually get great SEO results yourself without the help of an SEO agency

  • Easy-to-use templates

    So you don’t have to memorise all the bits and pieces, and don’t have to worry you’re missing crucial steps

  • A mix of text, images, videos and individual feedback

    So you can learn through the medium that’s best for each piece of the puzzle

  • Quizzes

    So you can check you’re mastering each topic

  • Assignments

    So you get practical, real-world experience conducting SEO activities and invaluable feedback on your efforts from a practicing professional

  • Summaries

    So you can quickly refresh your memory about key pieces of information if you forget anything in the future

  • SEO dictionary

    So you’ve got a handy reference whenever you’re doing further learning

  • An SEO forum and SEO community

    So you can interact with, network with and learn from other small business owners who are at the same point in their SEO journey — and so you can test your ideas ‘in the wild’ and get real-world feedback from objective third-parties, and potentially even from members of your target market

So, if you want more customers and profit, our SEO course for small businesses delivers vital SEO training to help you learn SEO, so you can attract more of your ideal shoppers and convert them into loyal customers, without having to spend thousands of dollars a month on agency services.

Enrol now and start learning SEO skills to last a life!